Morrissey Lab, University of Michigan

More info about Trigger

Trigger is an electronic newsletter whose purpose is to facilitate communication among researchers working on the biology of the triggering complex of the blood clotting system (tissue factor and factor VII) and its inhibitors (such as tissue factor pathway inhibitor, TFPI). This includes structure/function studies, enzymology, gene regulation, cell biology, physiology, genetics, clinical research, population studies, etc. Major contents of Trigger are abstracts of papers recently accepted for publication; a list of recently published papers in this field; other items that subscribers may contribute; announcements of upcoming scientific meetings; positions sought or available; and technical questions.

Trigger is sent via e-mail to our subscribers on the 1st and 15th of each month, or the next working day when these days fall on a US holiday. Trigger is sent as a simple ASCII file so that anyone with e-mail access can receive it. We do not charge for subscriptions to Trigger and we do not accept advertisements for products. (We do, however, accept announcements of positions sought or available. Again, there is no charge for this.)

To submit something for inclusion in Trigger, simply send us an e-mail containing the text of your item. Be sure to include information on how subscribers can contact you for more information. Submissions received as late as the night before the publication date will be included in the next issue of Trigger.

Abstracts of publications in press are an especially popular item. Once your paper has been officially accepted for publication by a peer-reviewed scientific journal, e-mail us your abstract in the following format:

AUTHORS: C. Howard, L. Fine, and M. Howard
TITLE: Effect of viewing Three Stooges films on the coagulation system.
JOURNAL: Journal of Irrelevant Results
ABSTRACT: There was no correlation between plasma factor VIIa levels and self-reported frequency of viewing Three Stooges films (p > 0.4). However, we found a strong sexual bias in viewing frequency for Three Stooges films (p < 0.01).

Ground rules:
We view Trigger as a courtesy to our scientific colleagues. Researchers sending information to Trigger are not obliged to give out pre-prints of their unpublished papers, nor are they obliged to allow their papers to be cited prior to publication. On the other hand, we hope that information appearing in Trigger will facilitate communication between colleagues–perhaps even leading to collaborations–as this is one of the main purposes of the newsletter.

Sometimes researchers may not want the abstract of a particular paper to appear in Trigger prior to publication. We respect this and hope that other researchers will as well. However, this should be a relatively rare situation. In fairness to those who do share their abstracts prior to publication, subscribers who habitually do not submit their abstracts will be dropped from the subscriber list. It is assumed that information appearing in Trigger will not be published by third parties without the permission of the person providing it, nor used for any purpose other than as a courtesy to members of the subscriber list. The validity of information appearing in Trigger will not (and can not) be checked by us. Therefore, it is provided without warranty.

Product announcements:
Companies wishing to have a product announcement included in an issue of TRIGGER should contact us at the e-mail address below. Click here for the ground rules for such submissions.

We welcome any suggestions, questions, ideas, complaints, etc., about Trigger. Please send your comments to